Saturday 21 February 2015

Special Interest Group (SIG)

So I would love to hear and connect with those who are going into teaching and going on to do their PGCE in secondary education. Would be great to get involved and discuss other people's questions.

I have attempted to set up a group on LinkedIn see link below. Is easy to set up and free! 

Email - 


  1. That's great Hannah, I will have a look at this as this is the route I am planning on taking and am going into it quite blind-sited! x

  2. Hi Hannah,
    I would be very interested to join your SIG. I plan to do PGCE but am not sure what age group as yet. I would be interested to know if, in your private dance teaching so far, you have come across any autistic children. I am hoping to do my enquiry on dance teacher training for autism. I am interested to know if any dance teachers out there have had any training jn how to deal with autism. Any thoughts gratefully received. Lynn
