Saturday 21 February 2015

Special Interest Group (SIG)

So I would love to hear and connect with those who are going into teaching and going on to do their PGCE in secondary education. Would be great to get involved and discuss other people's questions.

I have attempted to set up a group on LinkedIn see link below. Is easy to set up and free! 

Email - 

Tuesday 17 February 2015


After spending my January in the Caribbean, coming back and reading the module 2 hand book has been slightly over whelming! 

I am going to break it down section by section and take the tasks slowly. I am a slow reader so am going to need to make more time this term as there is more reading involved in this module. 

For task 4a, developing a set of questions that is relevant to my practice has been difficult to narrow down as I have so many that develop into so many subjects. So I have really thought about the following and sent out a few questionnaires to colleagues, friends and other teachers who teach different subjects. I will post some feedback once completed. 

Do creative subjects such as dance help children excel in academic subjects? Why?

Should a performing arts teacher have a career before teaching? Does this affect teaching standards?

Are we taken seriously within academic schools and education with performing arts backgrounds?

Do gender/ age affect children taking up an extra curriculum performing arts class?

Does today’s media and society have an impact on the performing arts?  

Will students/staff take me seriously being a young teacher?