Tuesday 17 February 2015


After spending my January in the Caribbean, coming back and reading the module 2 hand book has been slightly over whelming! 

I am going to break it down section by section and take the tasks slowly. I am a slow reader so am going to need to make more time this term as there is more reading involved in this module. 

For task 4a, developing a set of questions that is relevant to my practice has been difficult to narrow down as I have so many that develop into so many subjects. So I have really thought about the following and sent out a few questionnaires to colleagues, friends and other teachers who teach different subjects. I will post some feedback once completed. 

Do creative subjects such as dance help children excel in academic subjects? Why?

Should a performing arts teacher have a career before teaching? Does this affect teaching standards?

Are we taken seriously within academic schools and education with performing arts backgrounds?

Do gender/ age affect children taking up an extra curriculum performing arts class?

Does today’s media and society have an impact on the performing arts?  

Will students/staff take me seriously being a young teacher?

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